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“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.

Proverbs 22:6

schools, colleges & universities

We believe that our vision of 'inspiring and growing communities of hope' in Nottingham cannot happen without engaging young minds in what 'community' and supporting others really means.  We are always delighted to work with local schools, colleges and universities and there are so many ways for children, young people and students to get involved with and support Hope Nottingham's work, from collecting food for our Food Banks to promoting our activities to pupils and their families, volunteering placements, specific projects and even writing and performing songs that help raise the money that keeps

Hope Nottingham running year after year.


Wherever we can find the time to come out to schools to talk about Food Bank, Hope Nottingham generally or our Thursday evening Youth Wellbeing Cafe, we are happy to do so. In the summer, students may also enjoy a change of scenery and our outdoor classroom at our allotment can be made available.  We also welcome ideas for students to help raise awareness of our work.  Please get in touch here to share your ideas.


how you can get involved

Image by Giorgio Trovato
Image by Towfiqu barbhuiya

Donation tins, coffee mornings, cake sales, Christmas jumper days and events are just some ways to help us fund our work. We are happy to provide resources such as posters or cash collection buckets. See our fundraising ideas booklet for details and share your ideas and stories with us.

Children at school

When we can, we are happy to send someone out to talk about our work in school assemblies and we also have pre-made powerpoint presentations to support that you can use even when we cannot visit.  


Choose Hope Nottingham as your charity of the year or charity partner and together we can really get your organisation onboard with ongoing activities which support their local community.

Volunteers Packing Food

We rely heavily on donated food to run our East and West Nottingham Foodbank so always welcome new . Find out more about our East and West Nottingham foodbank here. You can also download a Donation Point poster to use.  

Woman Working in Garden

We are blessed by a large team of regular volunteers, but are happy to try and accommodate teams of students for volunteer days, and offer a variety of practical indoor and outdoor activities. Our allotment is a great choice.


Window Insulation

We recognise the amazing young talent in our community and would welcome more ways to engage and support young minds, whilst raising awareness of our work. Write us a poem, design an uplifting poster for guests or volunteers in our Food Banks or produce a video showcasing our work! 


examples of student support

Image by Kelly Sikkema

Please help Hope Nottingham lift people from crisis to hope by donating now

we are recruiting a new treasurer and a fundraising 

trustee or support volunteer. could you help?

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