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Image by Helena Lopes

Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.

if one person falls the other can reach out and help.'

ecclesiastes 4:9-10

 GEneral enquiries

General Enquiries

To help you find the information you need quickly, details on lots of topics can be found on our website, click below for:


Emergency food support including how to get a referral

Becoming a Referral Agent for our Foodbanks

Our Foodbanks' locations & opening times

Support at Hope House, Beeston

Support at our Carlton Hub

Donating food

Ways to Give

Virtual Gifts


Volunteer Opportunities

Corporate Partnerships

Schools, Colleges & Universities


For anything else, please use the contact form below.

We usually respond within 48 hours but if your enquiry is urgent, please call 

0303 040 1110

Mon - Thurs 9.00 am - 4.00 pm or Fri 9.00 am - 12 noon


If we cannot help, we will try and signpost you to somewhere who can

send an enquiry

Send an enquiry

0303 040 1110

Hope House,

Boundary Road,




Carlton Community Hub,

86 Carlton Hill




Thank you for reaching out.​


We will be in touch as soon as we can, but if it is something urgent please call us on 0303 040 1110


Our office is open Mon-Thurs 9-4 and Fri 9-12 so if you are contacting us outside of these times regarding foodbank, please see our foodbank website Locations & Opening | East & West Nottingham Foodbank on how to get help. 


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Find us
Image by Kelly Sikkema

Please help Hope Nottingham lift people from crisis to hope by donating now

we are recruiting a new treasurer and a fundraising 

trustee or support volunteer. could you help?

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