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“be the
you want to see
in the world.”
mahatma ghandi
fundraising ideas
We are always touched by the amazing ideas local people have for fundraising to support the work of Hope Nottingham. Anyone can use their skills, hobbies or free time to help lift local people from crisis to Hope.
You can set up Just Giving or Local Giving Page to run your own fundraising event for us.
If you are fundraising in a workplace or as part of a business please also see our Corporate Support page or if you are in education and wish to support please see our Schools, Colleges and Universities page.
Bake sale
give something up & donate the savings
running or sports event
hold a
donate loose or foreign coin
put on a show or concert
get a crazy haircut
fundraise in lieu of gifts
hold a quiz
a few of our fundraisers

Please help Hope Nottingham lift people from crisis to hope by donating now
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