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Image by Jon Tyson

“it takes humility to seek feedback.

it takes wisdom to understand it, analyse it and appropriately act on it.”

stephen r. covey

we are committed to seeking and listening to feedback from everyone we engage with - guests, volunteers, funders, referrers, supporters, and other agencies or organisations.

PLease take the time to Share your Hope nottingham experience with us
How would you rate your Hope experience on this occasion?
Very unhappyA little unhappyPretty happyHappy!Delighted!

Thank you so much for sharing your Hope experience! 

We promise to carefully consider all comments,

passing on praise where praise is due

and if any concerns are raised, to address them.

you can read a full copy of our compliments, concerns & complaints policy here

Image by Kelly Sikkema

Please help Hope Nottingham lift people from crisis to hope by donating now

we are recruiting a new treasurer and a fundraising 

trustee or support volunteer. could you help?

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