equality, diversity & inclusion
At Hope Nottingham we acknowledge the following basic rights for each individual within our team and community regardless of personal beliefs and circumstances to:
• Be treated with respect and dignity;
• Be treated fairly with regard to our procedures and their choices;
• Receive encouragement to reach their full potential.
We are therefore fully committed to encouraging equality, diversity, and inclusion among our workforce (both paid and unpaid) and our community, eliminating unlawful discrimination, bullying, harassment and victimisation of any kind. Our aim is for our workforce to be truly representative of all sections of society and for everyone to feel respected and able to give their best. This also applies to the services we offer to our community whereby guests are treated fairly and respectfully.
Policy Statement
At Hope Nottingham we aim to maintain an inclusive culture that celebrates our differences and values each individual. Each person is unique and deserves to be treated individually, fairly and with compassion, without unconscious bias or stereotyping. We work to ensure everyone involved with our organisation to feel confident to be themselves and know that they have a voice.
We recognise that some people will need extra support to be able to participate fully and to thrive and we are committed to making ‘reasonable adjustments’ as necessary to help enable this.
As an organisation we aim to reduce the impact of inequality that disadvantages both individuals and communities. We recognise that discrimination is not only unacceptable but also unlawful. We support the advancement of equality, diversity and inclusion and recognise the potential that each person brings regardless of their protected characteristics.
Under the Equality Act 2010, we have a duty to exercise ‘due regard’ which means to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and to foster good relations with our staff, volunteers, and guests. Equality is offering the same opportunities to everyone and eliminating discrimination.
Hope Nottingham also endeavours to ensure that the staff and volunteer workforce is representative of the local community and our guests, or if not, that under-represented groups are encouraged to apply. This also applies to our Board of Trustees.
Bullying, Victimisation and Harassment
We will not tolerate conduct that constitutes bullying or harassment, of any kind in our workplaces or at work-related events outside of the workplace, whether the conduct is a one-off act or repeated course of conduct, and whether done purposefully or not. Neither will we tolerate retaliation against, or victimisation of, any person involved in bringing a complaint of harassment or bullying.
Volunteers and Guests
Although volunteers and guests are not entitled to the same rights and protections as employees under employment law, as an organisation we are committed to ensuring they receive the same non-discriminatory and inclusive treatment.
We value our Volunteers for all that they contribute to Hope Nottingham but particularly due to the diversity that they bring. We are committed to ensuring a volunteering experience at Hope involves being treated fairly, with respect and dignity and without any form of discrimination.
Trustees, Staff, Volunteers and Guests are all expected to abide by Hope Nottingham’s Codes of Conduct.
A complete copy of our bi-annually reviewed Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Policy and Procedures is available from hope@hopenottingham.org.uk