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those who bless others will be abundantly blessed themselves;

those who help others are helped.

proverbs 11:25

corporate support

Hope Nottingham could not continue its work, without the continued support of our many corporate partners. The positive impact is not just for the local people who benefit from our services. Supporting a local charity has great benefits for both your organisation and team members.

corporate social responsibility

team engagement


boost team

it's great

how corporate supporters can help

Image by Giorgio Trovato
Image by Towfiqu barbhuiya

Donation tins, coffee mornings, cake sales, Christmas jumper days and quiz nights are just some ways to help us fund our work.

We are happy to provide resources such as posters or cash collection buckets. See our fundraising ideas booklet for details and share your ideas and stories with us.

Image by freestocks

Regular giving income is vital to us as it helps us plan ahead. If you are interested in promoting a payroll giving scheme, please get in touch here

You can also choose to give your employees one of our virtual gifts instead of a bonus or gift, showing your appreciation of their efforts but also supporting local people. 


Choose Hope Nottingham as your charity of the year or charity partner.


Get in touch and together we can really get your team onboard with ongoing activities which support their local community.

Volunteers Packing Food

We rely heavily on donated food to run our East and West Nottingham Foodbank so always welcome new . Find out more about our East and West Nottingham foodbank here. You can also download a Donation Point poster to use.  

We are blessed by a large team of regular volunteers, particularly for parcel packing donated items, but are happy to try and accommodate teams of staff for volunteer days, and offer a variety of practical indoor and outdoor activities.

Find out more in our Corporate Volunteering information leaflet here. 

Window Insulation

From repaired windows, bark chippings, manure and wheelbarrows, to donated laptops for our staff and job clubs, Hope has benefited from amazing donations of labour, items and professional advice either free or discounted.  Every cost saving really makes a difference.

a few of our corporate supporters

Image by Kelly Sikkema

Please help Hope Nottingham lift people from crisis to hope by donating now

we are recruiting a new treasurer and a fundraising 

trustee or support volunteer. could you help?

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