Compliments, concerns & complaints
​Hope Nottingham is committed to delivering a high standard of service to anyone who engages with our work.
We believe the best way to improve our services is by learning from the people who use them. We welcome comments, compliments and complaints from the people who visit our food banks and community hubs, referral agencies, volunteers and anyone else we connect with through our work. These help us see what we do well and where we can improve.
We aim to promote an environment where people are encouraged to raise and discuss issues informally and, where necessary, seek solutions to prevent them developing into problems or complaints. However, we recognise that there may be situations where people are not happy with the outcome of an informal discussion or feel that the issue needs to be taken further. In these cases, Hope Nottingham has a complaints procedure so that we can work towards a resolution in a fair and transparent manner.
Our promise and commitment
We recognise that there may be times when our services and activities do not meet your expectations. If this happens, it is important that we know about it as soon as possible so that we can deal with the situation effectively to try to prevent it from happening again and to learn from our mistakes. We promise to take all feedback and complaints seriously and to deal with them in a timely manner.
How to give us feedback
If you have a complaint, or would like to share a concern, compliment or comment on any aspect of our service, you can contact us in one of the following ways:
In person to staff/volunteers at the food bank, hub or activity
By phone: 0303 040 1110
By email:
Write to the following address: Hope Nottingham, Hope House, Boundary Rd, Beeston, Nottingham NG9 2RF
Please tell us clearly what your complaint or feedback is about and what, if applicable you would like to see happen as a result, so this can be considered. Please also tell us how we may contact you.
How is a complaint handled?
We will acknowledge your complaint within five working days of receipt and provide you with the name of the person responsible for investigating the matter on your behalf.
The person responsible for the investigation will write to you with their findings and proposed resolution within twenty-eight days from receipt of the complaint*.
If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of the investigation, you may appeal or escalate your concerns to our Director or Chair of Trustees, letters must be received within twenty-one working days of the date on the correspondence notifying you of the outcome of the first investigation.
The complaint will be re-investigated, and you will be informed of the outcome within 10 working days*.
* unless the complaint is particularly complex or time-consuming, in which case you will be kept informed of the progress of the investigation and notified of the expected date of completion.
Wherever possible, Hope Nottingham will respect your confidentiality and keep your complaint confidential as far as possible. Any information about the complaint will usually only be shared with those who need to know in order to help resolve it.
There may, however, be occasions when we cannot provide absolute confidentiality, for example in circumstances where a child or vulnerable adult may be at risk of harm, or the matter raised is something that we, as a responsible organisation could not reasonably be expected to ignore.
Data Privacy Statement for Feedback
Hope Nottingham is registered as a data controller with the UK Information Commissioner’s Office under registration number ZA466275.
We use the personal information that you provide in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 to process your feedback or complaint. We have a legitimate interest in holding this information in order to be able to monitor and improve our services.
We will collect personal information including your name and contact details, including postal address, telephone number, email address and social media contact information, in order to be able to investigate your complaint and to communicate with you about it. We will also collect sufficient information about the situation that you are contacting us about to be able to understand what has happened and help you seek a resolution to your complaint.
Where your complaint relates to services involving our partners, for example a referral agency or the Trussell Trust, then we may need to share your information with a third party.
We keep this information for 2 years after your complaint has been closed, unless we have a requirement to keep it longer, in which case we will inform you of this. After this time the data will be aggregated and anonymised.
For further information about how we use your personal information see our