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Image by Joel Henry

Inspiring & GROWING COMMUNITIES OF HOPe Throughout Nottingham and Beyond

Hundreds of people in Nottingham go hungry and others face loneliness or despair every week


Help us provide food for their souls as well as their tables

and to lift them from crisis to hope

how we help

Hope Nottingham's vision is to 'inspire and grow communities of Hope throughout Nottingham and beyond'. We are a Christian charity, which supports those of all faith or none. We work in shared mission with local churches and community groups, empowering volunteers to serve those in need in neighbourhoods all around Nottingham.


Hope House in Beeston and our newly developed Carlton Community Hub have become one-stop community support centres, working in partnership with many local agencies, to provide places of trust and transformation for local people.


Hope Nottingham operates many neighbourhood Foodbanks across the city, helping people out of crisis and directing people to life-changing support. Some of these centres are beginning to develop the same model as Hope House to meet the physical, material and spiritual needs of local communities.


Image by Daniel Joshua

For I know the plans I have for you

declares the Lord,

plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Jeremiah 29:11

support our work
Image by Sherise VD

Raise money
or host event

Handshake 1


Food Box

host a food collection

Image by Jacinta Christos

Leave a gift in your will

Girl with Shopping Bags

donate while you shop


with us

Image by Katt Yukawa

donate money

Preserved Food


get involved
Image by Sherise VD


Handshake 1


Food Box

host a food collection


schools & universities

Support Group

churches & organisations


with us

Image by Katt Yukawa

ways to

Preserved Food


Hope House.JPG
happenings at
hope house

Click through the photos for a quick guide to what's happening at Hope House,

Boundary Road, Beeston NG9 2RF

carlton community hub

Click through the photos for a quick guide to what's happening at our

Carlton Community Hub,

Main Street, Carlton  NG4 1EE


Hope Nottingham holds The Trussell Trust Franchise for East and West Nottingham. In partnership with Trussell, local churches and a library, we operate 14 foodbanks across the city, supported by an army of dedicated volunteers. We issue emergency food based on a referral system, to ensure those in need can engage with the required support to lift them from crisis.

Three Colour East & West Nottingham.jpg

* To donate food or set up a collection point

* If you are an organisation wishing to make referrals


In partnership with

Please help Hope Nottingham lift people from crisis to hope by donating now

foodbank development coordinator vacancy 20 hrs per week 

2 year fixed term contract

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